Show Me the Minerals!
We all know that minerals and trace elements play an import part of a healthy diet. So what part does salt play in keeping us healthy? We get most of our key minerals by eating a healthy diet. However increasingly people are looking at salt differently as a way to boost up the intake of key minerals like magnesium (mg), potassium (K) and calcium (Ca).
If you are one of those folk looking for minerals in your table salt, Himalayan rock salt or even your Marlborough sea salt I’ve got bad news for you. These salts have very little to no minerality when compared to a true natural sea salt-like Opito Bay sea salt.
Opito Bay Natural sea salt has incredible levels of magnesium, potassium and calcium compared to other alternatives.
Opito Bay natural sea salt has 3 times the magnesium of Celtic sea salt, 3 x more potassium than Celtic sea salt and a staggering 9 x the level of calcium than Celtic sea salt. Whilst there’s a bunch of other key trace elements and minerals also in our sea salt, the big three( calcium, magnesium and potassium) as well as sodium chloride, are what gives our sea salt its flavour and dimension. Check it out for yourself.
Many people these days like to add a crystal or two of sea salt to there water. I can see the logic of creating a natural electrolyte that would assist in the hydrating effect of the water. (a fellow phoned me yesterday to buy some more sea salt and told be he grinds a few crystals on his cups of tea!) So whether its in or on your food. Under your tongue or in your daily glass of water - I say give it a go and see how you feel.
One thing I can say for certain though, is that Opito Bay sea salt is 100% natural. Its made in traditional salt pans and we use only sunshine. The salts not boiled or processed in any way so we retain the minerals which are formed slowly over weeks of solar evaporation.
What are these minerals good for?
Benefits: Supports muscle and nerve function, energy production, and the synthesis of DNA and RNA. Magnesium is crucial for heart health and helps prevent muscle cramps and spasms.
Benefits: Essential for the development and maintenance of strong bones and teeth. Calcium also plays a critical role in blood clotting, muscle contraction, and nerve transmission.
Benefits: Helps regulate fluid balance, muscle contractions, and nerve signals. Potassium is essential for heart function and can help reduce blood pressure by counteracting the effects of sodium.
Benefits: Essential for maintaining fluid balance, nerve transmission, and muscle function. Sodium helps regulate blood pressure and volume.
Note: Excessive intake can lead to hypertension, so moderation is key.
Additional Benefits of Natural Sea Salt:
Hydration: The balanced mineral content in sea salt helps maintain proper hydration by providing electrolytes that aid in fluid balance.
Digestive Health: Natural sea salt can stimulate the production of digestive enzymes and juices, aiding in digestion and nutrient absorption.
Skin Health: The minerals in sea salt can promote skin health by improving hydration, reducing inflammation, and aiding in the healing of conditions like eczema and psoriasis.
So why Opito Bay natural mineral rich sea salt?
Sea Water
Opito Bay is situated on a remote peninsula in Coromandel. Bathed in nutrient rich waters this Bay provides a home for a diverse marine ecosystem. This special environment with its kelp beds and variety of shellfish and crustaceans all contribute to the nutrients and life of our sea salt.
Opito Bay has well above average sunshine hours. Significantly more than many other areas of Coromandel and NZ. It’s here that we utilise the special sunny micro-climate and bring together our passion for making a pure, natural and mineral rich NZ sea salt.
We make our sea salt following a tradition of hand gathering and harvesting our sea salt that has survived 1000’s of years. The sea salt is 100% natural. It’s not boiled, bleached or otherwise processed. And of course there are no anticaking agents. You know by taste and texture our sea salt is different.
Sustainably Made
We pride ourselves in being custodians of this unique environment. Our business is 100% sustainable. We utilize only sunshine and sea water to create the flavoursome mineral packed sea salt crystals that we are known for.
Flavour and texture
You will taste the minerality in every crystal of Opito Bay sea salt. Slowly making salt crystals takes time and patience. But this is how the minerals present in the water get trapped in the crystals creating the salty wow burst of flavour we are known for. We deliberately don’t refine in any way our sea salt. You get salt crystals made by nature and the texture which isn’t uniform but full of life.